
Patience is something isn't it, something that takes a long time do develop and is very trying. Often easy to go down the way and to neglect patience. Patience is good and very painful at the same time. Painful in the way that you need to trust it to get to the end. Good because you know having patience gets you to the end. Patience could mean just taking time and forgetting about it and letting days go by, months go by, and years go by. But with patience we have that hope that light to look forward to and someday it makes it self known. Known in ways you can't even imagine because when you have patience you put energy and trust behind it and focus so much positive energy. Almost as you believe it in. Patience takes one to question everyday if all the patience is really worth it. Patience tests the strongest by the minute to break them and tear them down. In Patience the one is challenged often to break away from it and take the easy road. We look to Patience as a guide, as a time to heel, as a time to form a strong bond, as a moment to live, as a breath of life. To loose patience is to fall and become weak, to go down a path of endless circles. To think of patience as a friend is hard because your friend tries so much to break you down and take the easy way. Patience often questions us and hurts us. Patience doesn't believe in right or wrong but knows to push and try us to our limits. With patience we have to know this is our way and what we wait for or it will know and find a way to tear it from us. We know patience is the right way because it challenges us daily and makes us think so very much about what is important in life or whatever for that matter. To understand patience and the meaning behind it is difficult because it takes much energy and time to really comprehend your friend (patience) power. So to have patience is something to admire and respect in someone. But often over looked because patience is hidden in all of us.

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Copyrighted by Trident Electrical Systems Inc. Created by Tony Portelli
Updated: 09/11/02